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Westford mill WM441 - Mini JuCo gift bag - Natural

  1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Lager Antal
0 52.91 kr 47.60 kr 42.29 kr 39.63 kr 36.02 kr 34.43 kr 168
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Westford mill WM441

It's hard not to fall for this miniature juco gift bag. Lightweight, practical and robust, what more could you ask for? This small bag with handles, as its name suggests, is ideal for wrapping a present in style. The person will then be able to use it as they wish and enjoy its sturdiness.

Made of juco canvas, a clever mix of jute and cotton, this bag can withstand multiple uses and exudes a natural style that is most appreciated. For a delicate finish, it features a small decorative wood-coloured button on the front.

- Material : 72% jute canvas/28% cotton
- 35 cm cotton handles

Kommentarer på Westford mill WM441

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Westford mill WM441 - Mini JuCo gift bag Natural
Storlek 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Lager Antal
0 52.91 kr 47.60 kr 42.29 kr 39.63 kr 36.02 kr 34.43 kr 168