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Yoko YK6713 - High visibility baseball cap - Hi Vis Yellow

  1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Lager Antal
0 131.64 kr 118.47 kr 105.40 kr 98.81 kr 89.57 kr 85.64 kr 131
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Yoko YK6713

High-visibility baseball-style cap that's totally waterproof. Comfortable, this cap features a preformed visor, 6 panels and 6 seams on the visor. This cap is easily adjustable with Velcro®. The 3M label is sewn on the front of the cap. The strips are 3M reflective and are sewn on the visor and at the Velcro® on the back. The eyelets are also sewn on. This durable model can be used day and night and in all weathers.

100% polyester.

Kommentarer på Yoko YK6713

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Yoko YK6713 - High visibility baseball cap Hi Vis Orange
Hi Vis Orange
Storlek 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Lager Antal
0 131.64 kr 118.47 kr 105.40 kr 98.81 kr 89.57 kr 85.64 kr 141
Yoko YK6713 - High visibility baseball cap Hi Vis Yellow
Hi Vis Yellow
Storlek 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Lager Antal
0 131.64 kr 118.47 kr 105.40 kr 98.81 kr 89.57 kr 85.64 kr 131